You are the project manager for a development project titled “Empowering Youth Through Digital Literacy.” The project aims to provide digital literacy training to disadvantaged youth in rural communities to enhance their employability and socio-economic opportunities. The project has a duration of 18 months and a budget of $150,000.
Project Overview:
At the end of month 10, the project has completed 70% of the planned activities. The actual cost incurred is $110,000. Calculate the project’s Earned Value (EV), Actual Cost (AC), and Planned Value (PV) at the end of month 10.
Q1: Based on these values:
Q2: Based on the current project performance:
Q3: Assuming the current SPI continues:
Q4: Calculate the:
Q5: Calculate the:
NB: If you experience challenges doing calculations on MS Word/Excel document, please work on paper [handwrite], scan and upload.
Areas of Evaluation & Grading
Level of Knowledge and Understanding | Creativity and Originality | Structure of Assignment/Report | Clarity of Expression | Adherence to Instructions |
Depth and accuracy of the content, demonstrating an understanding of the subject matter, use of relevant examples, and ability to integrate multiple perspectives. | The level of creativity, innovation, and original thought demonstrated in the assignment (submissions will be checked for plagiarism and AI-generated content). | The overall organization and structure of the assignment, including the introduction, body, and conclusions reached. | The clarity and effectiveness of writing or communication, including grammar, spelling, and coherence. | Assessment as to whether the assignment meets all specified instructions, such as word count, format, and submission requirements. |